Oregon University System,
Oregon State University
Chapter 576

Rule Caption: Amendment of rules regarding OSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine’s Discounted Fee Program.

Adm. Order No.: OSU 3-2011

Filed with Sec. of State: 6-13-2011

Certified to be Effective: 6-13-11

Notice Publication Date: 5-1-2011

Rules Amended: 576-010-0031, 576-010-0036, 576-010-0041

Subject: This amendment adds veterinarians to Oregon State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine’s discounted fee program.

Rules Coordinator: Barbara Melton—(541) 737-6262


Discounted Fee Program — Purpose

The purpose of this rule is to authorize the Veterinary Teaching Hospital to charge discounted fees for certain services and merchandise to faculty, professional students, staff and alumni of the College, as well as all Doctors of Veterinary Medicine and owners of service animals, through the establishment of a Discounted Fee Program. The Discounted Fee Program is established in OAR 576-010-0031 through 0041, and in policies adopted by the Hospital.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 351.070 & OAR 580-040-0010

Stats. Implemented: ORS 351.070

Hist.: OSU 4-2010, f. & cert. ef. 8-10-10; OSU 3-2011, f. & cert. ef. 6-13-11



The following definitions apply to OAR 576-010-0031, 576-010-0036 and 576-010-0041:

(1) “College” means the Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine

(2) “Discounted Fee Program” means the criteria and procedures described in OAR 576-010-0031 through 576-010-0041 for providing discounted fees to Eligible Participants for merchandise and service as described in this rule and in policies adopted by the Hospital.

(3) “Doctors of Veterinary Medicine” means graduates of American Veterinary Medical Association-recognized Colleges of Veterinary Medicine or veterinarians licensed to practice in Oregon.

(4) “Eligible Participant” means a person who meets the criteria set forth in OAR 576-010-0041(1).

(5) “Eligible Pet” means a pet that meets the criteria set forth in OAR 576-010-0041(2).

(6) “Eligible Services” means services described in OAR 576-010-0041(3).

(7) “Hospital” means the Oregon State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 351.070 & OAR 580-040-0010

Stats. Implemented: ORS 351.070

Hist.: OSU 4-2010, f. & cert. ef. 8-10-10; OSU 3-2011, f. & cert. ef. 6-13-11


Eligibility Criteria, Discount, Loss of Eligibility

(1) Participant Eligibility

(a) To be eligible for the faculty and staff discount in subsection (4)(a) of this rule, a person must be employed by the College on the date that the services are rendered or the merchandise is purchased.

(b) To be eligible for the professional student discount in subsection 4(b) of this rule, a student must be enrolled in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program with the College on the date that the services are rendered or the merchandise is purchased

(c) Graduates of the College and all Doctors of Veterinary Medicine are eligible for the alumni and veterinarian discount in subsection (4)(c) of this rule.

(d) Owners of assistance animals are eligible for the assistance animal discount in subsection (4)(d) of this rule if they present written documentation or certification that the animal assists the disabled. This documentation, which must include the assistance organization’s name, will be copied and included in the patient’s record.

(2) Pet Eligibility.

(a) Discounts are limited to services performed, or merchandise purchased, for animals that are personally owned by the Eligible Participant and are enrolled in the Discount Program. An Eligible Participant may enroll in the Discount Program using forms provided by the Hospital. An Eligible Participant may enroll a maximum of four (4) animals in this Discount Program at a time. Animals must be enrolled in the Discount Program prior to the Hospital visit or at the time of admission.

(b) An animal may remain enrolled in the Discount Program until its death, unless ownership is transferred to a person who is not an Eligible Participant.

(3) Eligible Services. All services provided by the Hospital are eligible for the Discount Program, with the exception of services provided through the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and the Small Animal Preventive Health Program.

(4) Discounts

(a) Eligible Participants who qualify under subsection (1)(a) of this rule will receive a 20% discount on Eligible Services for Eligible Pets and a 40% discount off the retail price of Drug Room merchandise purchased for Eligible Pets.

(b) Eligible Participants who qualify under subsection (1)(b) of this rule will receive a 25% discount on Eligible Services for Eligible Pets and a 40% discount off the retail price of Drug Room merchandise purchased for Eligible Pets.

(c) Eligible Participants who qualify under subsection (1)(c) of this rule will receive a 20% discount on Eligible Services for Eligible Pets.

(d) Eligible Participants who qualify under section (1)(d) of this rule will receive a 20% discount on Eligible Services for Eligible Pets.

(5) Participants in this Discount Program who violate this rule may have discount privileges permanently removed.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 351.070 & OAR 580-040-0010

Stats. Implemented: ORS 351.070

Hist.: OSU 4-2010, f. & cert. ef. 8-10-10; OSU 3-2011, f. & cert. ef. 6-13-11

The official, record copy of this publication is contained in the original Administrative Orders and Rulemaking Notices filed with the Secretary of State, Archives Division. Discrepancies, if any, are satisfied in favor of the original versions.