
New Mexico Register / Volume XXII, Number 23 / December 15, 2011


This is an amendment to 21.32.4 NMAC, Section 10, effective 12/15/11. TUBERCULOSIS TEST REQUIREMENTS FOR CATTLE AND BISON:

[A.] All sexually intact import dairy cattle 4 months of age or older [and beef breeding bulls 12 months of age and older] must have a negative tuberculin test within 30 days prior to entry regardless of the status of the state of origin or TB free herd.

[B. All cattle imported to New Mexico having originated in Michigan, regardless of age, must have a negative tuberculosis test within 30 days prior to entry. All cattle originating in Michigan must have a health certificate, with individual animal identification, issued within 15 days of movement and must have a prior entry permit issued by the New Mexico livestock board. All cattle originating in Michigan must be quarantined upon arrival in New Mexico and will not be released until a negative tuberculosis test is completed 60 to 90 days post entry.]

[3/1/99, 2/29/2000; NMAC - Rn & A, 21 NMAC 32.4.10, 12/31/2007; A, 12/15/2011]