Veterinary Medical Examining Board, Chapter 875


Rule Caption: Defines licensing eligibility requirements for Certified Euthanasia Technicians (CETs).

Adm. Order No.: VMEB 2-2012

Filed with Sec. of State: 6-25-2012

Certified to be Effective: 6-25-12

Notice Publication Date: 4-1-2012

Rules Adopted: 875-040-0010

Subject: Defines licensing eligibility requirements for Certified Euthanasia Technicians (CETs).

Rules Coordinator: Lori V. Makinen—(971) 673-0224


Certification of Technicians

(1) In order for a person to become a Certified Euthanasia Technician (CET), the person must:

(a) Be an employee or a volunteer at a humane society, animal control agency or animal holding facility (agency);

(b) Complete Board-approved training;

(c) Pay an annual certification fee of $25.00.

(2) Upon separation from an agency, a CET may not euthanize animals until the person is employed by or a volunteer at another agency, and the agency has notified the Board. Certificates are valid only for the agency at which the person is currently working.

(3) If a CET is reemployed or volunteers again within 18 months of last certification, the agency may apply to the Board for reactivation of the person’s certification. After an 18-month lapse in certification, the person must become recertified as described in (1).

(4) All certifications expire on October 31st of each year.

(5) The Board may suspend, revoke or discipline a CET holder for failure to comply with any part of OAR chapter 875 or Board of Pharmacy Rules (OAR chapter 855).

Stat. Auth.: ORS 686.210
Stats. Implemented: ORS 475 & 686
Hist.: VMEB 2-2012, f. & cert. ef. 6-25-12

The official, record copy of this publication is contained in the original Administrative Orders and Rulemaking Notices filed with the Secretary of State, Archives Division. Discrepancies, if any, are satisfied in favor of the original versions.