Racing Commission, Chapter 462

Rule Caption: Amends administrative rules to provide direction regarding the use of the drug Clenbuterol.

Date: Time: Location:

10-18-12  1 p.m. 800 NE Oregon St., Rm. 1A  Portland, OR 97232

Hearing Officer: Staff

Stat. Auth.: ORS 462.270(3)

Stats. Implemented: ORS 462.270 & 462.415

Proposed Amendments: 462-160-0130

Last Date for Comment: 10-18-12, Close of Hearing

Summary: 462-160-0130 (Medications and Prohibited Substances):

 Adds the following to the rule:

 (11) Clenbuterol. The use of Clenbuterol shall be permitted under the following conditions:

 (a) A test sample shall not exceed 2 picograms/milliliter (ml) of Clenbuterol in the blood or serum of all horses racing in Oregon.

Rules Coordinator: Nancy A. Artmann

Address: Oregon Racing Commission, 800 NE Oregon St., Suite 310, Portland, OR 97232

Telephone: (971) 673-0211

The official, record copy of this publication is contained in the original Administrative Orders and Rulemaking Notices filed with the Secretary of State, Archives Division. Discrepancies, if any, are satisfied in favor of the original versions.