(Only Those Sections With Amendments Are Shown.)


The following documents are incorporated into this rule: (3-30-07)

01. The Idaho Content Standards. The Idaho Content Standards as adopted by the State Board of Education. Individual subject content standards are adopted in various years in relation to the curricular materials adoption schedule. Copies of the document can be found on the State Board of Education website at (3-29-10)

a. Driver Education, as revised and adopted on August 21, 2008. (3-29-10)

b. Health, as revised and adopted on April 17, 2009. (3-29-10)

c. Arts and Humanities Categories: (3-29-10)( )

i. Visual Arts, as revised and adopted on April 17, 2009 August 13, 2015; (3-29-10)( )

ii. Dance, as revised and adopted on April 17, 2009 August 13, 2015; (3-29-10)( )

iii. Drama Theatre, as revised and adopted on April 17, 2009 August 13, 2015; (3-29-10)( )

iv. Interdisciplinary Humanities, as revised and adopted on April 17, 2009 August 13, 2015; (3-29-10)( )

v. Music, as revised and adopted on April 17, 2009 August 13, 2015; (3-29-10)( )

vi. World languages, as revised and adopted on April 17, 2009 August 13, 2015; (3-29-10)( )

vii. Media Arts, as adopted on August 13, 2015. ( )

d. English Language Arts, as revised and adopted on August 11, 2010. (4-7-11)

e. Limited English Proficiency, as revised and adopted on August 21, 2008. (3-29-10)

f. Mathematics, as revised and adopted on August 11, 2010. (4-7-11)

g. Physical Education, as revised and adopted on April 17, 2009. (3-29-10)

h. Science, as revised and adopted on April 17, 2009 August 13, 2015. (3-29-10)( )

i. Social Studies, as revised and adopted on April 17, 2009. (3-29-10)

j. Information and Communication Technology, as revised and adopted on April 22, 2010. (4-7-11)

02. The English Language Development (ELD) Standards. The World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) 2012 English Language Development (ELD) Standards as adopted by the State Board of Education on August 16, 2012. Copies of the document can be found on the WIDA website at (4-4-13)

03. The Limited English Proficiency Program Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) and Accountability Procedures. The Limited English Proficiency Program Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives and Accountability Procedures as adopted by the State Board of Education on November 11, 2009. Copies of the document can be found on the State Department of Education website at (4-7-11)

04. The Idaho English Language Assessment (IELA) Achievement Standards. The Idaho English Language Assessment (IELA) Achievement Standards as adopted by the State Board of Education on November 11, 2009. Copies of the document can be found on the State Department of Education website at (4-7-11)

05. The Idaho Standards Achievement Tests (ISAT) Achievement Standards. Achievement Standards as adopted by the State Board of Education on May 30, 2007. Copies of the document can be found on the State Board of Education website at (4-2-08)

06. The Idaho Extended Content Standards. The Idaho Extended Content Standards as adopted by the State Board of Education on April 17, 2008. Copies of the document can be found at the State Board of Education website at (5-8-09)

07. The Idaho Alternate Assessment Achievement Standards. Alternate Assessment Achievement Standards as adopted by the State Board of Education on May 18, 2011. Copies of the document can be found on the State Board of Education website at (3-29-12)

08. The Idaho Standards for Infants, Toddlers, Children, and Youth Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. As adopted by the State Board of Education on October 11, 2007. Copies of the document can be found on the State Board of Education website at (4-2-08)

09. The Idaho Standards for Infants, Toddlers, Children, and Youth Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired. As adopted by the State Board of Education on October 11, 2007. Copies of the document can be found on the State Board of Education website at (4-2-08)



01. Interdisciplinary or Integrated Assessment. Assessment based on tasks that measures a student's ability to apply concepts, principles, and processes from two (2) or more subject disciplines to a project, issue, or problem. (4-5-00)( )

02. International Baccalaureate (IB) - Administered by the International Baccalaureate Organization, the IB program provides a comprehensive liberal arts course of study for students in their junior and senior years of high school. IB students take end-of-course exams that may qualify for college credit. Successful completion of the full course of study leads to an IB diploma. (4-11-06)

03 Interdisciplinary Study. An approach to learning in two (2) or more disciplines that enables students to identify and apply authentic connections and integrate essential concepts that transcend individual disciplines. ( )

034. Laboratory. A laboratory science course is defined as one in which at least one (1) class period each week is devoted to providing students with the opportunity to manipulate equipment, materials, specimens or develop skills in observation and analysis and discover, demonstrate, illustrate or test scientific principles or concepts. (4-11-06)

045. Learning Plan. The plan that outlines a student's program of study, which should include a rigorous academic core and a related sequence of electives in academic, professional-technical education (PTE), or humanities aligned with the student's post graduation goals. (4-11-06)

056. Narrative. Text in any form (print, oral, or visual) that recounts events or tells a story. (4-5-00)

067. Norm-Referenced Assessment. Comparing a student's performance or test result to performance of other similar groups of students; (e.g., he typed better than eighty percent (80%) of his classmates.) (4-5-00)

078. On-Demand Assessment. Assessment that takes place at a predetermined time and place. Quizzes, state tests, SATs, and most final exams are examples of on-demand assessment. (4-5-00)

089. Performance Assessment. Direct observation of student performance or student work and professional judgment of the quality of that performance. Good quality performance assessment has pre-established performance criteria. (4-5-00)

109. Performance-Based Assessment. The measurement of educational achievement by tasks that are similar or identical to those that are required in the instructional environment, as in performance assessment tasks, exhibitions, or projects, or in work that is assembled over time into portfolio collections. (4-5-00)

101. Performance Criteria. A description of the characteristics that will be judged for a task. Performance criteria may be holistic, analytic trait, general or specific. Performance criteria are expressed as a rubric or scoring guide. Anchor points or benchmark performances may be used to identify each level of competency in the rubric or scoring guide. (4-5-00)

112. Phonics. Generally used to refer to the system of sound-letter relationships used in reading and writing. Phonics begins with the understanding that each letter (or grapheme) of the English alphabet stands for one (1) or more sounds (or phonemes). (4-5-00)

123. Portfolio. A collection of materials that documents and demonstrates a student's academic and work-based learning. Although there is no standard format for a portfolio, it typically includes many forms of information that exhibit the student's knowledge, skills, and interests. By building a portfolio, students can recognize their own growth and learn to take increased responsibility for their education. Teachers, mentors, and employers can use portfolios for assessment purposes and to record educational outcomes. (4-5-00)

134. Professional Development. A comprehensive, sustained, timely, and intensive process to improve effectiveness of teachers and administrators in raising student achievement, which: (4-4-13)

a. Aligns with rigorous state academic achievement standards, local educational agency goals, school improvement goals, effective technology integration, and Common Core standards. (4-4-13)

b. Utilizes data driven instruction using a thorough review and continual evaluation of data on teacher and student performance to define clear goals and distinct outcomes. (4-4-13)

c. Provides opportunities that are individualized enough to meet distinct and diverse levels of need for teachers and administrators. (4-4-13)

d. Is facilitated by well-prepared school administrators, coaches, mentors, master teachers, lead teachers, or third-party providers under contract with the State Department of Education, school district, or charter school, and supported by external research, expertise, or resources. (4-4-13)

e. Fosters a collective responsibility by educators within the school for improved student performance and develops a professional learning community. (4-4-13)

15. Project Based Learning. A hands-on approach to learning that encourages students to create/interpret/communicate an original work or project and assesses quality and success of learning through performance/presentation/production of that work or project. ( )

146. Print Awareness. In emergent literacy, a learner's growing awareness of print as a system of meaning, distinct from speech and visual modes of representation. (4-5-00)

157. Professional-Technical Education. Formal preparation for semi-skilled, skilled, technical, or paraprofessional occupations, usually below the baccalaureate level. (4-11-06)

168. Proficiency. Having or demonstrating a high degree of knowledge or skill in a particular area. (4-5-00)

179. School-to-Work Transition. A restructuring effort that provides multiple learning options and seamless integrated pathways to increase all students' opportunities to pursue their career and educational interests. (4-5-00)

1820. Service Learning. Combining service with learning activities to allow students to participate in experiences in the community that meet actual human needs. Service learning activities are integrated into the academic curriculum and provide structured time for a student to think, talk, or write about what was done or seen during the actual service activity. Service learning provides students with opportunities to use newly acquired skills and knowledge in real-life situations in their communities, and helps foster the development of a sense of caring for others. (4-5-00)

219. Skill Certificate. Portable, industry-recognized credential that certifies the holder has demonstrated competency on a core set of performance standards related to an occupational cluster area. Serving as a signal of skill mastery at benchmark levels, skill certificates may assist students in finding work within their community, state, or elsewhere. A National Skills Standards Board is presently charged with issuing skill voluntary standards in selected occupations based on the result of research and development work completed by twenty-two (2) contractors. (4-5-00)

202. Standards. Statements about what is valued in a given field, such as English language arts, and/or descriptions of what is considered quality work. See content standards, assessment standards, and achievement standards. (4-2-08)

213. Standardization. A set of consistent procedures for constructing, administering and scoring an assessment. The goal of standardization is to ensure that all students are assessed under uniform conditions so the interpretation of performance is comparable and not influenced by differing conditions. Standardization is an important consideration if comparisons are to be made between scores of different individuals or groups. (4-5-00)

224. Standards-Based Education. Schooling based on defined knowledge and skills that students must attain in different subjects, coupled with an assessment system that measures their progress. (4-5-00)

235. Structured Work Experience. A competency-based educational experience that occurs at the worksite but is tied to the classroom by curriculum through the integration of school-based instruction with worksite experiences. Structured work experience involves written training agreements between school and the worksite, and individual learning plans that link the student's worksite learning with classroom course work. Student progress is supervised and evaluated collaboratively by school and worksite personnel. Structured work experience may be paid or unpaid; may occur in a public, private, or non-profit organization; and may or may not result in academic credit and/or outcome verification. It involves no obligation on the part of the worksite employer to offer regular employment to the student subsequent to the experience. (4-5-00)

246. Student Learning Goals (Outcomes). Statements describing the general areas in which students will learn and achieve. Student learning goals typically reflect what students are expected to know by the time they leave high school, such as to read and communicate effectively; think critically and solve problems; develop positive self-concept, respect for others and healthy patterns of behavior; work effectively in groups as well as individually; show appreciation for the arts and creativity; demonstrate civic, global and environmental responsibility; recognize and celebrate multicultural diversity; exhibit technological literacy; have a well developed knowledge base which enhances understanding and decision making, and demonstrate positive problem solving and thinking skills. (4-5-00)

257. Synchronous Course. A course in which the teacher and students interact at the same time. May be applied to both traditional and technology based courses. (3-29-12)



A student must meet all of the requirements identified in this section before the student will be eligible to graduate from an Idaho high school. The local school district or LEA may establish graduation requirements beyond the state minimum. (5-8-09)

01. Credit Requirements. The State minimum graduation requirement for all Idaho public high schools is forty-six (46) credits and must include twenty-nine (29) credits in core subjects as identified in Paragraphs 105.01.c. through 105.01.i. (3-12-14)

a. Credits. (Effective for all students who enter the ninth grade in the fall of 2010 or later.) One (1) credit shall equal sixty (60) hours of total instruction. School districts or LEA's may request a waiver from this provision by submitting a letter to the State Department of Education for approval, signed by the superintendent and chair of the board of trustees of the district or LEA. The waiver request shall provide information and documentation that substantiates the school district or LEA's reason for not requiring sixty (60) hours of total instruction per credit. (3-29-10)

b. Mastery. A student may also achieve credits by demonstrating mastery of a subject's content standards as defined and approved by the local school district or LEA. (3-29-10)

c. Secondary Language Arts and Communication. Nine (9) credits are required. Eight (8) credits of instruction in Language Arts. Each year of Language Arts shall consist of language study, composition, and literature and be aligned to the Idaho Content Standards for the appropriate grade level. One (1) credit of instruction in communications consisting of oral communication and technological applications that includes a course in speech, a course in debate, or a sequence of instructional activities that meet the Idaho Speech Content Standards requirements. (3-29-10)

d. Mathematics. Six (6) credits are required. Secondary mathematics includes Applied Mathematics, Business Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Fundamentals of Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, and courses in mathematical problem solving and reasoning. AP Computer Science, Dual Credit Computer Science, and Dual Credit Engineering courses may also be counted as a mathematics credit if the student has completed Algebra II standards. Students who choose to take AP Computer Science, Dual Credit Computer Science, and Dual Credit Engineering may not concurrently count such courses as both a math and science credit. (3-12-14)

i. Students must complete secondary mathematics in the following areas: (3-12-14)

(1) Two (2) credits of Algebra I or courses that meet the Idaho Algebra I Content Standards as approved by the State Department of Education; (3-29-10)

(2) Two (2) credits of Geometry or courses that meet the Idaho Geometry Content Standards as approved by the State Department of Education; and (3-29-10)

(3) Two (2) credits of mathematics of the student's choice. (3-29-10)

ii. Two (2) credits of the required six (6) credits of mathematics must be taken in the last year of high school in which the student intends to graduate. For the purposes of this subsection, the last year of high school shall include the summer preceding the fall start of classes. Students who return to school during the summer or the following fall of the next year for less than a full schedule of courses due to failing to pass a course other than math are not required to retake a math course as long as they have earned six (6) credits of high school level mathematics. (3-12-14)

iii. Students who have completed six (6) credits of math prior to the fall of their last year of high school, including at least two (2) semesters of an Advanced Placement or dual credit calculus or higher level course, are exempt from taking math during their last year of high school. High School math credits completed in middle school shall count for the purposes of this section. (3-12-14)

e. Science. Six (6) credits are required, four (4) of which will be laboratory based. Secondary sciences include instruction in applied sciences, earth and space sciences, physical sciences, and life sciences. Up to two (2) credits in AP Computer Science, Dual Credit Computer Science, and Dual Credit Engineering may be used as science credits. Students who choose to take AP Computer Science, Dual Credit Computer Science, and Dual Credit Engineering may not concurrently count such courses as both a math and science credit. (3-12-14)

i. Secondary sciences include instruction in the following areas: biology, physical science or chemistry, and earth, space, environment, or approved applied science. Four (4) credits of these courses must be laboratory based. (3-29-10)

f. Social Studies. Five (5) credits are required, including government (two (2) credits), United States history (two (2) credits), and economics (one (1) credit). Courses such as geography, sociology, psychology, and world history may be offered as electives, but are not to be counted as a social studies requirement. (3-29-10)

g. Arts and Humanities. Two (2) credits are required. Arts and Humanities courses include instruction in visual arts, music, theatre, dance, media arts, or world language aligned to the Idaho content standards for those subjects. Other courses such as literature, history, philosophy, architecture, or comparative world religions A course in Interdisciplinary Humanities may satisfy the humanities standards graduation requirements if the course is aligned to the Idaho Interdisciplinary Humanities Content Standards. (3-29-10)( )

h. Health/Wellness. One (1) credit is required. Course must be aligned to the Idaho Health Content Standards. Effective for all public school students who enter grade nine (9) in Fall 2015 or later, each student shall receive a minimum of one (1) class period on psychomotor cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training as outlined in the American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines for CPR to include the proper utilization of an automatic external defibrillator (AED) as part of the Health/Wellness course. (3-12-14)

i. Students participating in one (1) season in any sport recognized by the Idaho High School Activities Association or club sport recognized by the local school district, or eighteen (18) weeks of a sport recognized by the local school district may choose to substitute participation up to one (1) credit of physical education. Students must show mastery of the content standards for Physical Education in a format provided by the school district. (4-1-15)

02. Content Standards. Each student shall meet locally established subject area standards (using state content standards as minimum requirements) demonstrated through various measures of accountability including examinations or other measures. (3-29-10)

03. College Entrance Examination. (Effective for all public school students who enter grade nine (9) in Fall 2012 or later.) (3-12-14)

a. A student must take one (1) of the following college entrance or placement examinations before the end of the student's eleventh grade year: SAT, ACT, or Compass. A student who misses the statewide administration of the college exam during the student's grade eleven (11) for one (1) of the following reasons, may take the examination during their grade twelve (12) to meet this requirement: (3-12-14)

i. Transferred to an Idaho school district during grade eleven (11); (3-12-14)

ii. Was homeschooled during grade eleven (11); or (3-12-14)

iii. Missed the spring statewide administration of the college entrance exam dates for documented medical reasons. (3-12-14)

b. A student may elect an exemption in grade eleven (11) from the college entrance exam requirement if the student is: (3-12-14)

i. Enrolled in a special education program and has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that specifies accommodations not allowed for a reportable score on the approved tests; (3-12-14)

ii. Enrolled in a Limited English Proficient (LEP) program for three (3) academic years or less; or (3-12-14)

iii. Enrolled for the first time in grade twelve (12) at an Idaho high school after the fall statewide administration of the college entrance exam. (4-1-15)

04. Senior Project. A student must complete a senior project by the end of grade twelve (12). The project must include a written report and an oral presentation. Additional requirements for a senior project are at the discretion of the local school district or LEA. (3-12-14)

05. Middle School. A student will have met the high school content and credit area requirement for any high school course if: (4-1-15)

a. The student completes such course with a grade of C or higher before entering grade nine (9); (3-12-14)

b. The course meets the same content standards that are required in high school; and (3-12-14)

c. The course is taught by a properly certificated teacher who meets the federal definition of highly qualified for the course being taught. (3-12-14)

d. The student shall be given a grade for the successful completion of that course and such grade and the number of credit hours assigned to the course shall be transferred to the student's high school transcript. Courses taken in middle school appearing in the student's high school transcript, pursuant to this subsection, shall count for the purpose of high school graduation. However, the student must complete the required number of credits in all high school core subjects as identified in Subsections 105.01.c. through 105.01.h. except as provided in 105.01.d.iii. (3-12-14)

06. Proficiency. Each student must achieve a proficient or advanced score on the grade ten (10) Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) in math, reading and language usage in order to graduate. Students who receive a proficient or advanced score on the grade ten (10) ISAT while in grade nine (9) may bank the score for purposes of meeting their graduation requirement. A student who does not attain at least a proficient score prior to graduation may appeal to the school district or LEA, and will be given an opportunity to demonstrate proficiency of the content standards through some other locally established plan. School districts or LEAs shall adopt an alternate plan and provide notice of that plan to all students who have not achieved a proficient or advanced score on the Grade 10 Idaho Standards Achievement Test by the fall semester of the student's junior year. All locally established alternate plans used to demonstrate proficiency shall be forwarded to the State Board of Education for review and information. Alternate plans must be promptly re-submitted to the Board whenever changes are made in such plans. (3-12-14)

a. Before entering an alternate measure, the student must be: (4-2-08)

i. Enrolled in a special education program and have an Individual Education Plan (IEP); or (3-20-04)

ii. Enrolled in an Limited English Proficient (LEP) program for three (3) academic years or less; or (3-20-04)

iii. Enrolled in the fall semester of the senior year. (3-20-04)

b. The alternate plan must: (4-7-11)

i. Contain multiple measures of student achievement; (4-7-11)

ii. Be aligned at a minimum to tenth grade state content standards; (4-7-11)

iii. Be aligned to the state content standards for the subject matter in question; (4-7-11)

iv. Be valid and reliable; and (4-7-11)

v. Ninety percent (90%) of the alternate plan criteria must be based on academic proficiency and performance. (4-7-11)

c. A student is not required to achieve a proficient or advanced score on the ISAT if: (5-8-09)

i. The student received a proficient or advanced score on an exit exam from another state that requires a standards-based exam for graduation. The state's exit exam must approved by the State Board of Education and must measure skills at the tenth grade level and be in comparable subject areas to the ISAT; (5-8-09)

ii. The student completes another measure established by a school district or LEA and received by the Board as outlined in Subsection 105.06; or (3-29-10)

iii. The student has an IEP that outlines alternate requirements for graduation or adaptations are recommended on the test; (5-8-09)

iv. The student is considered an LEP student through a score determined on a language proficiency test and has been in an LEP program for three (3) academic years or less; (5-8-09)

d. Those students who will graduate in 2016 and have not received a proficient or advanced score on the ISAT in grade nine (9), will be required to complete an alternative plan for graduation, as designed by the district, including the elements prescribed in Subsection 105.06.b. and may enter the alternate path prior to the fall of their senior year. (3-12-14)

07. Special Education Students. A student who is eligible for special education services under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act must, with the assistance of the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, refer to the current Idaho Special Education Manual for guidance in addressing graduation requirements. (4-11-06)

08. Foreign Exchange Students. A foreign exchange student may be eligible for graduation by completing a comparable program as approved by the school district or LEA. (4-11-06)